Cultivating the joy of expressing oneself with various people, Pentel is advancing various activities with stakeholders with a view to becoming a company that has true value.

To cultivate the joy of expressing oneself

Based on our philosophy of “cultivating the joy of expressing oneself,” we have developed writing instruments and drawing and painting materials and supplied them to people all over the world.
If the pace of digitalization accelerates even more from now on, people will come to find more creative ways to live.
Rather than simply enabling work to be conducted more efficiently, it is anticipated that writing instruments and drawing and painting materials will fulfill the role of allowing people to express their sensitivities and support their creativity through writing, drawing and painting.
Moreover, the world today is confronted with numerous challenges, such as competition for resources accentuated by climate change, destruction of biodiversity, environmental pollution arising from wastes, poverty, human rights violations and so on.
Through revitalizing intelligence by means of writing instruments and drawing and painting materials, we aim to cultivate the joy of expressing oneself among people around the world, while at the same time proactively addressing environmental and social issues. In doing so, we aim to help build a sustainable society.


Social Issues


E (Environment)

Circular Economy

12 Responsible Consumption and Production



・Simplification of packaging and reduction of plastic waste

・Active utilization of biodegradable plastic that returns to the earth

・Environmental consideration in paper packaging too (thorough use of FSC-certified ecofriendly paper and print)

・Development of products that are premised on longer-term use, not rapid disposal


・Research of structural design that allows individual components to be disassembled and replaced


・Extraction of pigments from waste materials


・Procurement of recycled materials and development of products that mitigate environmental loads

・Research of structural design that allows each material to be disassembled

・Creation of a business model that produces no waste based on the viewpoint of resource circulation


・Fair Trade: Procurement of raw materials from non-conflict areas and certified raw materials

S (Society)

4 Quality Education
5 Gender Equality
10 Reduced Inequality
17 Partnerships to achieve the Goal

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・User innovation

・Inclusive Design Project

・Support of products for developing countries

・Support of art festivals

・Support for education in art and design

・The International Children’s Art Exhibition (ICAE)

・Memory of School Building Project

・Providing opportunities for empowerment of women

Shift to a Circular Economy

We support the viewpoint that people should move from the linear economy, which has continued to linearly consume resources on the premise of mass production and mass disposal, to the circular economy, which aims for zero waste.
From now on, we will reform our products, services and corporate activities in accordance with the order of priority of the circular economy.


Linear economy


Circular Economy

Support for the International Children’s Art Exhibition (ICAE)

Pentel has been a sponsor of the International Children’s Art Exhibition (ICAE) organized by the Biiku Bunka Kyokai (The Foundation of Art Education in Japan) annually since 1970.
The exhibition, the first of which was held on the site of the Japan World Exposition in 1970, celebrated its 52nd anniversary in 2021.
It is one of the world’s largest children’s art exhibitions, attracting more than about 80,000 entries (approximately 40,000 from Japan and 40,000 from abroad) from 40 countries and regions each year.
Through the children’s pictures that are gathered, we contribute to the growth of sensibility-rich children and building of an affluent society that harmonizes with art.

Memory of School Building Project

Since 2014, Pentel has worked on a project in partnership with Canon Marketing Japan Inc. to create opportunities for elementary schoolchildren to make memories of their school buildings slated to be demolished for rebuilding or due to school closure and integration.
In this project, children draw pictures and add colors using their school buildings as a giant “canvass.” 
The project also invites local residents, past graduates, and guardians to participate and experience the fun of “drawing, painting and writing” and “taking photographs,” and it provides opportunities for children to exhibit their latent creativity.
As of March 2022, this project had been conducted at 39 elementary schools around the country, with participation by more than 10,000 children.

Cooperation for Sending Products to Developing Countries

Working through NPOs, private groups and so on, we cooperate in sending drawing and painting materials and writing instruments for education purposes to children in developing countries.
Having been founded based on the philosophy that “the children of Japan need education in drawing and painting after the war,” we are proud to have been involved in spreading art and design education in Japan for a long time. 
Children in developing countries will also cultivate the joy of expressing themselves through the provision of drawing and painting materials.

Inclusive Design Project

Unlike universal design, which aims to make mass-produced products “accessible” to many people, inclusive design is a design approach that seeks functionality in making products “accessible” to disabled persons too. Moreover,  inclusive design uncovers deeper needs and values and proposes solutions based on the common perspective of “what is truly desired?”
Since 2021, with the objective of embodying Our Vision of “cultivating the joy of expressing oneself,” we have worked on the Inclusive Design Project targeting a diverse range of people “leaving no one behind.”

Pentel’s Initiatives

We strive to build an employee-friendly working environment in which employees can utilize systems irrespective of their department or occupational category.

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To ensure a safe and employee-friendly environment, we have established a health and safety committee, which selects and works on specific topics.


As a community exchange initiative, employees at our Yoshikawa Plant in Ibaraki Prefecture organize and implement a Summer Night Festival.


At our three plants in Japan, all employees take part in cleaning activities that are underpinned by a sense of gratitude.


To cultivate the joy of expressing oneself among children around the world, Pentel supports the International Children’s Art Exhibition (ICAE).

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To protect the future global environment, we conduct the proper management of chemicals and equipment that exert impacts on the environment.

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Through our entire product business activities, we strive to conserve limited earth resources and mitigate environmental loads.

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We are working on reducing energy consumption, utilizing recycled resins, and reducing wastes and CO2 emissions.

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Realizing that business activities can have an impact on biodiversity, we constantly gauge and assess whether our industrial wastewater is imparting impacts on ecosystems.

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Aiming to make products with the best quality in the world, we have established a quality assurance activities system, check chemical substances, and conduct quality design.

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We strive to build trusting relationships and aspire to prosperous coexistence with our business partners in Japan and abroad.

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Our Vision

Top Message

Top Message

Through providing the tools that enable people to cultivate the joy of expressing themselves, we aim to realize a sustainable society. 読む Top Message

Pentel Sustainability

Pentel Sustainability

Pentel has always pursued the “joy of expressing oneself” while staying attentive to changes in society and the environment. 読む Pentel Sustainability

Pentel Milestones

Pentel Milestones

Since our founding, Pentel has helped people around the world to express themselves through our writing instruments. 読む Pentel Milestones