Pentel formulated its Environmental Principles in 1996 to fulfill its social responsibility as a corporate citizen of the global community and established an organization for environmental management and promotion in 1997. We also established the Corporate Environmental Management Committee in 2003 to facilitate company-wide environmental activities with particular focus on production sites, which are considered to have greater environmental impact than other locations.

Environmental Principles (Established in 1996)


●Basic Philosophy
As a good corporate citizen in the global community, Pentel recognizes the importance of responsibility for the community. We are committed to global environmental protection and protection against contamination, in line with our corporate management philosophy. We increase the environmental awareness of employees and promote environmentally friendly corporate activities to create a society where people can live in harmony with the environment.


●Action Agenda  

  1. In every stage from design and development to disposal, across our corporate activities, we shall develop and provide environmentally aware products and services.
  2. Complying with environmental laws, regulations, agreements and commitments inside and outside Japan, we shall continuously contribute to environmental conservation and improvement.
  3. In our overseas operations, we shall ensure the environmental conservation of the relevant countries.
  4. When planning a new project, we shall perform continuous assessment and remain committed to environmental conservation.
  5. We shall provide information and education concerning environmental conservation to our employees, while providing relevant information for environmental conservation to customers, governments and regional societies. 
  6. We shall communicate and enforce this agenda to all employees and organizations, while improving our knowledge about and technologies for environmental conservation.