Pentel is working hard to reduce CO₂ emissions by, among other measures, cutting electricity and other energy consumption, utilizing reprocessed resin, and reducing waste. At the three factories in Japan, CO₂ emission reduction targets are set every year, and everyone across the company is united in working towards achieving these goals.

※CO₂ emission factor (after adjustment) of TEPCO Energy Partner is used.

Initiatives for saving energy

As a result of the 2010 amendment of the Act on the Rational Use of Energy, Pentel was designated as a Specified Business Operator, and the Ibaraki Factory was designated as a Type 2 Designated Energy Management Factory*. Our three factories in Japan are procuring and switching to manufacturing equipment with lower power consumption and taking measures to improve the efficiency of manufacturing processes. The Yoshikawa Factory is taking action to improve steam pipes and refill lead dryers, while the Ibaraki Factory is improving the efficiency of the operation of air compressors in its efforts to reduce power consumption. In addition, power consumption is monitored on a real-time basis and measures to control consumption are taken when the planned value is likely to be exceeded.


* Type 2 Designated Energy Management Factory
A factory or business facility where its annual energy consumption is 1,500 kiloliters or more and less than 3,000 kiloliters in crude oil equivalent is designated as a Type 2 Designated Energy Management Factory. 

Reduction of water consumption

Water consumption and discharge of wastewater are monitored at all times at the Ibaraki Factory. The factory is working to reduce water consumption by reusing cooling water used in production facilities and through other water-saving efforts.

Waste reduction and recycling

With the aim of realizing zero emissions, we are striving to reduce waste and promote recycling by making the best use of resources.
In FY2010, the recycling rate of the Ibaraki Factory was 99.7%. However, the recycling rate of the factory has been 100% since FY2011 as a result of changing product designs so as not to use materials whose waste had to be disposed of in landfills.
With regard to packaging materials, most of which are disposed of after the distribution phase, we strive to reduce the amount of waste through measures such as replacing cardboard boxes with boxes made of recycled paper and using foldable containers.
Furthermore, we use recycled materials for all of our product packages that are disposed of as waste by the customers who use them. We also design them specially to avoid waste in our efforts to reduce the amount of materials we use.


Activities to achieve zero emissions

  • Sorting and conversion of waste into valuable resources 
  • Use of waste plastics as blast furnace feed; recycling of waste plastics as cement materials
  • Composting of garbage
  • Recycling of waste fluorescent tubes