The processes of our business activities involve the use of global resources such as raw materials, energy, and water (input) and emissions of CO₂, waste, and others (output).
Based on an accurate understanding of the environmental impact of our business activities, we use the limited global resources carefully to avoid waste in our overall business activities from product development to production, transportation, consumption and recycling in our efforts to reduce their environmental impact.

Business activities and environmental impact (FY2022)



Fuel and heat

10,708 GJ

Light oil

24 GJ

Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

5,120 GJ

Utility gas

5,564 GJ


104,526 GJ

Daytime electricity

73,414 GJ

Nighttime electricity

31,112 GJ

Raw materials

Amount of use of packaging materials

360 ton

Amount of input of chemical substances (chemical substances that are subject to the PRTR)

67 ton

Water resources

Tap water

10,145 ㎥

Underground water

92,609 ㎥


Greenhouse gases (GHG): GHG from the treatment of industrial waste is included.

Total emissions

5,891 ton-CO2

Emissions after adjustment

5,064 ton-CO2


Total amount of industrial waste

463 ton

Amount of industrial waste disposed of in landfills

2 ton