Quality assurance system

High-quality products appeal to customers around the world regardless of their nationality or race. Based on this belief, we ensure that our products satisfy the world’s highest quality standards at all times. We currently make company-wide efforts to control the quality of our products, including tasks for improving our quality assurance system, with our Quality Assurance Committee playing the central role. We clarify the steps of quality assurance, recognize the role of each, and then consider a system for effective, efficient quality assurance and seek to optimize the system. This is how we pursue and produce products that satisfy customers and assure their quality.

In 1976, we were awarded the Deming Prize~{*1}; a first in the stationery industry. We have obtained ISO 9001~{*2} certification for all our factories in Japan and major factories overseas.


Irabaki Factory
Yoshikawa Factory


Electronic Device Division


Machine & Tool Division
Taiwan Factory


India Factory


Mexico Factory


Thailand Factory

ISO 9001 certification accomplishments

*1 Deming Prize
The Deming Prize was established in 1951 in honor of the late Dr. William Edwards Deming, who promoted statistical quality control in post-war Japan and helped improve the quality of Japanese products significantly, to best global standards. The prize is considered to be one of the world’s most prestigious awards concerning total quality management.
*2 ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is a standard for quality control and assurance established in 1987 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Proper management of chemical substances

In recent years, regulations concerning chemical substances used in products, such as the RoHS Directive~{*3} and the REACH Regulation~{*4}, have been tightened. To ensure compliance with the regulations of each country where our products are sold, we check the chemical substances subject to each regulation in the planning and development phase and design the quality of our products based on our internal standards that comply with ISO8124-3~{*5} and the RoHS Directive not to mention the JIS standards. Above all, we check the heavy metals contained in our products by means including inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectrochemical analysis and fluorescent X-ray analysis in the event of a design change, not to mention in the planning and development phase.


*3 RoHS Directive
The Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive was issued by the European Union (EU) to restrict the use of six hazardous substances (lead, mercury, etc.) in electrical and electronic equipment.
*4 REACH Regulation
An EU regulation for registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals.
*5 ISO 8124-3
This is part 3 of the international toy safety standard. It specifies the maximum acceptable amount of elution of eight heavy metal elements.

ICP emission spectrochemical analysis
ICP emission spectrochemical analysis
X-ray fluorescence analysis
X-ray fluorescence analysis