Achievement of work-life balance

To enable employees to balance work with family life, it is important to create an environment where they can make use of various programs regardless of division or type of job, not to mention ensuring appropriate regular working hours.
Currently, the rates of taking maternity leave and childcare leave are both approximately 100%. In addition, nearly half of those who have returned to work after their leave use the system that allows shorter working hours for child care. Employees with families needing nursing care are allowed to take family care leave for a total of up to 93 days. We have established a system that allows employees on leave to share information with other employees at home via the remote access services and consult the company whenever necessary. These are part of our efforts to enable employees to achieve a balance between work and family life and improve their work environment.
In addition, we provide support for internal club activities to allow employees to spend fulfilling time after work. In FY2022, a total of 22 clubs engage in activities in various forms. Some employees run privately in races held as community events by wearing costumes featuring Pentel products, thereby expressing their identity as Pentel employees. These activities help expand open communications within the company.

Employees dressed as Pentel crayons running in a community race
Employees dressed as Pentel crayons running in a community race
Basketball club
Basketball club

Self-reporting system

We have introduced a self-reporting system to deepen the understanding between the company and employees, ensure the fair, satisfactory treatment of employees, and help employees with their efforts to achieve self-actualization in the future.
Responsible people from the Personnel Affairs Division interview all employees who request interviews. These interviews allow employees to directly convey their opinions and requests concerning the contents of their work, capability development, job assignment, and personnel transfers.

Reemployment of retired employees

In 2006, we introduced a system for reemploying retired employees.
In response to the revision of the Act on Stabilization of Employment of Elderly Persons in 2013, any retired employees of Pentel are reemployed in the Pentel Group upon request. In FY2022, approximately 80% of retirees made use of the system.
This system helps employees to ensure the stability of their post-retirement life. At the same time, their experience and skills developed through many years at Pentel are used effectively for passing down skills and providing logistic support to younger employees.

(Fiscal year)

Overseas trainee program

An overseas trainee program is a program under which a company selects young employees who are likely to be assigned to its overseas bases in the future and assigns them to its overseas subsidiaries as trainees for a specific period.
Pentel operates an overseas trainee program in tandem with the training program for overseas assignees, and program participants are trained to play a future role in the overseas division.