The Ibaraki Factory provides factory tours to local elementary school children, junior high school students, people from the local community and business partners. The tours allow the visitors to see our writing instruments and art materials being produced at the production site up close, thereby allowing them to become familiar with our policy on manufacturing and our initiatives for protecting the environment. In addition, we invite junior high school students on school trips to our Head Office every year. We allow the students to observe our work sites, explain our history and overview of business activities, and answer questions from them. We thus provide the students with opportunities to learn things voluntarily.

Work-study programs for junior high school and high school students

As an initiative for contributing to local communities, we accept junior high school students for work-study programs and high school students for internships. By providing these opportunities, we help them to become motivated to work and understand what work is and what it is for, in our efforts to foster future generations.

Junior high school students experiencing work (Yoshikawa Factory)
Junior high school students experiencing work (Yoshikawa Factory)